© 최광민, Kwangmin Choi, 2004-03-03
전문복사, 문맥을 무시한 임의적 발췌/수정, 배포를 금합니다.
영화, {The Thin Red Line}
© 최광민, Kwangmin Choi, 2004-03-03
전문복사, 문맥을 무시한 임의적 발췌/수정, 배포를 금합니다.
영화, {The Thin Red Line}

철학적인 자전적 전쟁소설로 알려진 James Jones의 동명소설을 바탕으로 한 이 1998년 영화는, "너무 감동적"이다는 평에서부터 "너무 지루하다"라는 평에 이르기까지 다양한 평가를 불러일으킨 영화. 아카데미 영화제 7부문 노미네이트되었다.
{라이언일병구하기}나 {밴드 오브 브라더스}같은 헐리우드식 전쟁영화를 기대하는 사람에게 이 영화는 상당한 낭패감을 선사한다. 영화는 초인적인 영웅들이 아닌 평범한 병사들의 눈에서 바라본 전쟁을 담은 영화이기 때문이다.
특히 과달카날섬의 일본군 고지를 점령하는 장면에서의 미군병사들의 모습은 영웅이라기보다는 잔뜩 겁에 질린 겁장이에 가깝고, 물론 그들의 적 역시 "천황폐하만세"를 외치는 통념적인 대일본제국의 황군이라고 보기는 힘들다. 이 영화는 전쟁영화의 얼굴을 가진 반전영화라 불릴 수 있다. 그러나 전쟁을 그리되 너무 참혹하지 않게, 반전을 그리되 결코 신파적으로 그리지 않는다.
인생 마지막인 승진을 위해 부하들을 무리한 작전에 투입하는 늙은 대령, 중대원들의 희생을 최소화하기 위해 고군분투하는 대위, 이어지는 동료들의 죽음들 앞에서 세상에 대한 믿음을 잃고 무덤덤해져가고있는 중사, 쏟아지는 적의 탄환보다는 코 앞의 독사를 더 두려워하는 병사들, 고국에 두고 온 아내의 배신에 절망하는 병사, 세상에 대한 믿음을 "마술"처럼 잃지않는 한 탈영병.
다른 전쟁영화와는 달리 이 영화는 액션이 아닌 나레이션에 촛점을 맞추고 있으며, 주인공들의 독백들을 한스 짐머의 음악을 베틀 삼아 가로세로로 엮어 나가는 구성을 취한다. 이 독백들은 무겁고 잔잔하고 시적이며 무엇보다도 실존적이다. 영화의 미덕과 악덕은 모두 이 숨막힐 정도로 진지한 독백 속에 있다.
대본: http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/t/thin-red-line-script-transcript.html
What's this war in the heart of nature ?
Why does nature vie with itself?.
The land contend with the sea?
ls there an avenging power in nature?
Not one power, but two?
l remember my mother when she was dying.
Looked all shrunk up and gray.
I asked her if she was afraid.
She just shook her head.
l was afraid to touch the death l seen in her.
I heard people talk about immortality,
but I ain't seen it.
l wondered how it'd be when l died.
What it'd be like to know that this breath now
was the last one you was ever gonna draw.
l just hope l can meet it the same way she did.
With the same... calm.
Cos that's where it's hidden -
the immortality l hadn't seen.
Kids around here never fight.
Sometimes when you see them playing
they always fight!
Who are you to live in all these many forms?
Your death that captures all.
You, too, are the source
of all that's gonna be born.
Your glory.
You give calm a spirit,
The contented heart.
Maybe all men got one big soul
who everybody's a part of.
All faces of the same man.
One big self.
Everyone looking for salvation by himself.
Each like a coal
drawn from the fire.
This great evil
Where's it come from?
How'd it steal into the world?
What seed, what root did it grow from?
Who's doing this?
Who's killing us?
Robbing us of life and light.
Mocking us with the sight
of what we might have known.
Does our ruin benefit the Earth?
Does it help the grass to grow
or the sun to shine?
ls this darkness in you, too?
Have you passed through this night?
One man looks at a dying bird
and thinks there's nothing but unanswered pain that death's got at he final word.
It's laughing at him.
Another man sees that same bird
and feels glory, feels some smiles through it..
Where is it that we were together?
Who were you that l lived with?
Walked with?
The brother.
The friend.
Darkness from light.
Strife from love.
Are they the workings of one mind?
The features of the same face?
Oh, my soul, let me be in you now.
Look out through my eyes.
Look out at the things you made.
All things shining.
{Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blom Mi}
- Choir of All Saints + Melanesian Brotherhood
Jesus is watching over me;
Wherever I may go he is right beside me;
Jesus is watching over me;
No matter what I do his love will never cease;
My saviour and my keeper beside me;
All the blessings he has provided me;
He is there to comfort and guide me;
And his love will never cease.
2. {Soon, My Lord}
Soon my Lord shall come for me:
What a great reunion day!
Friends and loved ones
all shall see:
What a great reunion day!
Some fine morning,
I shall fly away...
What a great reunion day!
인생 마지막인 승진을 위해 부하들을 무리한 작전에 투입하는 늙은 대령, 중대원들의 희생을 최소화하기 위해 고군분투하는 대위, 이어지는 동료들의 죽음들 앞에서 세상에 대한 믿음을 잃고 무덤덤해져가고있는 중사, 쏟아지는 적의 탄환보다는 코 앞의 독사를 더 두려워하는 병사들, 고국에 두고 온 아내의 배신에 절망하는 병사, 세상에 대한 믿음을 "마술"처럼 잃지않는 한 탈영병.
다른 전쟁영화와는 달리 이 영화는 액션이 아닌 나레이션에 촛점을 맞추고 있으며, 주인공들의 독백들을 한스 짐머의 음악을 베틀 삼아 가로세로로 엮어 나가는 구성을 취한다. 이 독백들은 무겁고 잔잔하고 시적이며 무엇보다도 실존적이다. 영화의 미덕과 악덕은 모두 이 숨막힐 정도로 진지한 독백 속에 있다.
대본: http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/t/thin-red-line-script-transcript.html
What's this war in the heart of nature ?
Why does nature vie with itself?.
The land contend with the sea?
ls there an avenging power in nature?
Not one power, but two?
l remember my mother when she was dying.
Looked all shrunk up and gray.
I asked her if she was afraid.
She just shook her head.
l was afraid to touch the death l seen in her.
I heard people talk about immortality,
but I ain't seen it.
l wondered how it'd be when l died.
What it'd be like to know that this breath now
was the last one you was ever gonna draw.
l just hope l can meet it the same way she did.
With the same... calm.
Cos that's where it's hidden -
the immortality l hadn't seen.
Kids around here never fight.
Sometimes when you see them playing
they always fight!
Who are you to live in all these many forms?
Your death that captures all.
You, too, are the source
of all that's gonna be born.
Your glory.
You give calm a spirit,
The contented heart.
Maybe all men got one big soul
who everybody's a part of.
All faces of the same man.
One big self.
Everyone looking for salvation by himself.
Each like a coal
drawn from the fire.
This great evil
Where's it come from?
How'd it steal into the world?
What seed, what root did it grow from?
Who's doing this?
Who's killing us?
Robbing us of life and light.
Mocking us with the sight
of what we might have known.
Does our ruin benefit the Earth?
Does it help the grass to grow
or the sun to shine?
ls this darkness in you, too?
Have you passed through this night?
One man looks at a dying bird
and thinks there's nothing but unanswered pain that death's got at he final word.
It's laughing at him.
Another man sees that same bird
and feels glory, feels some smiles through it..
Where is it that we were together?
Who were you that l lived with?
Walked with?
The brother.
The friend.
Darkness from light.
Strife from love.
Are they the workings of one mind?
The features of the same face?
Oh, my soul, let me be in you now.
Look out through my eyes.
Look out at the things you made.
All things shining.
{Jisas Yu Holem Hand Blom Mi}
- Choir of All Saints + Melanesian Brotherhood
Jesus is watching over me;
Wherever I may go he is right beside me;
Jesus is watching over me;
No matter what I do his love will never cease;
My saviour and my keeper beside me;
All the blessings he has provided me;
He is there to comfort and guide me;
And his love will never cease.
2. {Soon, My Lord}
Soon my Lord shall come for me:
What a great reunion day!
Friends and loved ones
all shall see:
What a great reunion day!
Some fine morning,
I shall fly away...
What a great reunion day!
'일상' 카테고리의 다른 글
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